The patient should take light food, then oil massage and bath is given. Soon after he should be laid on comfortable cot neither too high nor too low, on his left side, folding his right thigh and extending the other. The enema nozzle is lubricated with oil and apply some oil in the anus also. The instrument is then filled with the medicated oil and introduced into the rectum in the following manner. It should be pressed without shaking the hands in the direction of the vertebral column, neither too fast nor too slow neither with great force nor with low force in just one attempt. After the administration the person should lye facing upward. Then he should be given massage of abdomen, hand and feet. He must lay extending the entire body with a pillow under his heels. Oil should be smeared all over the body so that the sneha does not come out early. In normal case the enema liquid will go out after one or two hours. If the sneha returns properly at the right time the patient should fast at night and can take breakfast next day morning.
It is called douche in simple terms. It is done after the completion of menstrual cycle when the female genital tract is receptive to the administration of medicated formulation. It is indicated in uterine disorders, Bladder disorders, dysmenorrhoea, menorrhagia, primary infertility .3-5ml of medicated unctuous formulation can be administered into the uterine cavity by means of a 5 cc syringe guided with a cusco’s speculum. It is done for a period of 7 days with gradual increase of dose of the medicine. In men it is done in urethral disorders and known as Urethral douche.
Nasyam is meant for cleaning the head region. Patient is asked to lie down on his back on a wooden cot placed in a room devoid of breeze. Head should be placed slightly down and legs higher. Body especially head, neck and chest should be massaged with oil and fomentation is given Nasyam is of three types:
Virechana Nasyam: This type of Nasyam treatment purifies by expelling Doshas from the head region. In this type of Nasyam strong medicines are used to expel out the Doshas instantaneously from the head region.
Brimhana Nasyam: This Nasyam treatment nourishes and strengthens the head region, senses and intellectual functions. It builds up the weaker parts and is indicated in Vata diseases of the head like migraine, loss of voice, diseases of mouth, difficulty in opening eyes and difficulty in lifting hand. Meat soup and ghee medicated with herbs are used as medicines.
Samana Nasyam: This type of Nasyam subsidises the increase Dosha without expelling it out. It is moderate, neither too strong not too mild. This is good mainly in conditions like skin discolouration, hair loss, eye diseases, Medicated water and milk can be used for this purpose. Amount of medicines used: It can be either 4 drops or 6 drops of medicated oil depending upon the Dosha involvement.
Chavutti Thirumal
Chavitti Uzhichil is a unique massage treatment – a blend of Ayurveda and Dhanurveda (Archery). This massage is done on the whole body using mainly the feet and also the palms by the masseur, putting medicated herbal oil all over the body and head of the person. The master gently moves the feet controlling the pressure, balancing on a rope hung on the ceiling. It needs more than an hour to complete the entire procedure. Though the process is very laborious, it gives very relaxing and soothing experience to the person who undergoes this treatment. This massage technique is originally from the state of Kerala – extreme south of India, being used and kept alive in their Martial Art practice – Kalaripayattu. Beneficial for healthy people who want to enhance their strength and vitality. Good to develop mental stability and strength. The Marmas (vital points) are well massaged and manipulated. Energy and vitality of the body is increased.
Yoga is an ancient Indian body of knowledge that dates back more than 5000 years ago. The word "Yoga" came from the Sanskrit word "yuj" which means "to unite or integrate." Yoga then is about the union of a person's own consciousness and the universal consciousness.
Yoga brings down stress and enhances powers of relaxation ,Boosts physical strength, stamina and flexibility and Bestows greater powers of concentration and self control.
Sl No.
Charges in INR
Yoga consultation -1hour
Yoga- Preliminary -1week
Theruapatic Yoga -14 Days
Advanced Yoga with preliminary -14 Days
Yoga with pranayamam-14 days
Pranayama-14 days
In Yoga Sutras, defines Pranayama as “regulation of incoming and outgoing breath coupled with retention.The latter means control; it describes the action of Pranayama. Prana – that most people are unaware of – is vital energy. It is that energy that manifests itself as the self-energizing force embracing one’s body. When this force enfolds the entire body with control, it is called Pranayama.
The goal of Pranayama is not to bring the inhale and exhale into a particular relationship with each other. Nor is it to set up a particular length of breath. The different pranayama practices render lots of sundry possibilities for following the breath, as well. When you follow your breath, your mind is drawn into activities of your breath. Pranayama prepares us, in this manner for the stillness of meditation to come.Pranayama is an aspect of Yoga, that deals with breathing. Pranayama is a method of controlling prana or life force through the regulation of breathing. It is the breathing process or the control of the motion of inhalation, exhalation and the retention of vital energy.