Navara rice is boiled and cooked in the mixture of milk and a decoction . This is then packed in cloth and tied into bundle .The patient has to lie on the table on his back after oil application on his head and body. Navarakizhi is heated in the same liquid mixture and taken in a vessel and are applied on patients body after checking the temperature. The therapy is done until the cloth bundle becomes empty.
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Charges in INR
Sarvanga Navarakizhi - 1 day
Sarvanga Navarakizhi - 7 days
Sarvanga Navarakizhi - 14 days
Ekanga Navarakizhi
Body massage using herbal powder is called udvarthanam. The treatment is good for diseases like diabetic neuropathy, paralysis, obesity, skincare, sciatica, indigestion and sclerosis of blood vessels. The massage activates the nerves and increases blood flow to the impaired parts of the body.
Udvarthanam is also an important health preserving massage. As the massage promotes active blood flow, it revitalizes and reconditions the body, thus preserving its strength, skin texture, and natural elasticity. Fat reduction is one of the significant benefits in cases of obesity.
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Charges in INR
Udvartanam - 1 day
Udvartanam 7 days
Udvartanam 14 days
Udvartanam 21 days
Ekanga Udwartanam
Avagaha swedana
Performing fomentation in a tub filled with medicated decoctions etc., is known as Avagaha Swedana. After anointing the body with medicated oils the patient is asked to lie or sit in a tub containing Luke warm decoctions upto neck level.
Steam chamber is used for this. Oil should be gently applied on the body and the patient is made to sit in the chamber where steam emanates from boiling herbal decoction. Treatment should be continued till the forehead and abdomen sweat very well. Eyes are to be protected and wrapped with a piece of cloth while doing sudation. Eyes, feet, palms, chest and testicles should not be heated very much. Bathing should be done after when the sweat is completely dried up. Slightly warm water should be upset for bathing. Food can be taken after one hour, which is warm, unctous and light.
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Aushadhi Swedan (medicine)
Ksheer Svedan (Milk)
Vasti (administration of medicine through rectum) is another sodhana/purification treatment. Vasti is the treatment where herbal medicines like medicated oils/ decoctions/ medicated milk / ghee is administered through rectum using an instrument called Vasthiyantra. Vasti is of three types - Kashayavasti, Snehavasti and Uttaravasti. Among these Kashayavasti and Snehavasti are most commonly practiced. In Kashayavasti the treatment is done with a combination of honey, rocksalt, oil, herbal paste and decoction In Snehavasti-medicated oil and ghee is administered through rectum. In Uttaravasti, vasti is given through urethral or vaginal tract. A course of both Kashayavasti and Snehavasti. Kashayavasti is Sodhana - it purifies the body by expelling the impure doshas from the body where as Snehavasti is Brimhana - it nourishes and lubricates the body. These two treatments are always used in combination, thus producing a balance of purification and nourishment in the body. In the usual procedure Snehavasti is given first to lubricate the body. This followed by Kashaya to purify the body.
The medicine for Kashaya vasti is prepared by mixing Honey, Rock salt, Oil, Herbal paste and decoction. First honey and rock salt are mixed in a vessel. Then oil is added and mixed well. This is followed by paste and then decoction is added and mixed. This forms a homogenous mixture of honey, rock salt, oil, herbal paste and decoction. This mixture is filled in a sac made of leather after warming a little by keeping in a hot water. The sac is then tied at the end of the vastiyantra (instrument of vasti). The patient should have taken food in the previous night, evacuated and done ablutions in the morning. The patient has to lye down on a wooden cot. His body must be massaged with oil and abdomen should be warmed up. He should lie down on his left side, flexing the right leg and extending the left leg. The nozzle of the instrument and anus of the patient are lubricated first by applying oil. Then the nozzle is carefully introduced into the anus keeping the patient to relax and breathe out. The leather sac containing medicine is the pressed firmly once and medicine is injected into the rectum. A little of the medicine is left in the sac to prevent air entering into the rectum. Then the patient should lie down on his back after completion of vasti. His abdomen should be massaged gently. When urge to pass stool the patient can go to the toilet and evacuate. If he gets clear bowel movements then the treatment is successful. Afterwards he should take bath in warm water and have food.